Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance


This author has requested to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Writings from Anonymous


REACT Series Powered by ActionAid

OnEstEnsemble : Mobilisation citoyenne pour une agriculture durable et une justice climatique au Cameroun

Nous étions une vingtaine des riverains, membres de l’association, venus de différents villages situés à près de 120 kilomètres des plantations sucrières dans le centre du Cameroun. Le 6 juillet 2023, nous nous sommes rassemblés pacifiquement devant le siège d’une multinationale dans le quartier administratif de Yaoundé pour manifester notre mécontentement face à la destruction de nos cultures par les pesticides déversés dans leurs champs par les avions de l’entreprise. En signe de protestation, nous avons déversé les cultures contaminées et visiblement brûlées—feuilles de manioc, arachides—devant la direction générale de l’agro-industriel. […]

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REACT Series Powered by ActionAid

OnEstEnsemble: Citizen mobilization for sustainable agriculture and climate justice in Cameroon

We were around twenty local residents, members of the association, from various villages located around 120 kilometers from the sugar plantations in central Cameroon. On July 6, 2023, we gathered peacefully in front of the headquarters of a multinational company in Yaoundé’s administrative district to demonstrate our dissatisfaction with the destruction of our crops by the pesticides dumped on the fields by the company’s planes. In protest, we dumped the contaminated and visibly burnt crops-cassava leaves, groundnuts-in front of the agro-industrial company’s head office. […]

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Movement Commentary

Making History, Being Remembered: Afghan Women Nonviolently Defy Taliban Rule

The Taliban takeover on August 15, 2021, was a huge setback for civil liberties and the young democracy in Afghanistan. The takeover was a tragedy for all Afghans, women in particular. Within weeks, the Taliban banned girls’ education beyond the sixth grade (11-12 years old) and imposed restrictions on women’s work in the public and private sectors. With half of the country’s population deprived of education and work, that means more than 20 million Afghans are deprived of their basic human rights. Through my recent work, I have spoken with some of the female protesters in Kabul and Mazar Sharif. […]

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