Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

Rosa Marina Flores Cruz

Rosa Marina Flores Cruz is an Afro-Zapotec from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, and a member of the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defence of Land and Territory and the Indigenous Futures Network. She holds a Master's degree in Rural Development from UAM-Xochimilco and a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences from UNAM, Morelia campus. She is currently studying Communication Sciences. Her work has focused on issues of climate crisis and environmental education, community resistance, green capitalism and indigenous and community feminism.

Writings from Rosa Marina Flores Cruz


REACT Series Powered by ActionAid

Sur de México: Una Caravana de Alegría, Solidaridad y Afirmación de Vida frente al Despojo

En abril y a principios de mayo de este año, un grupo de alrededor de 150 personas recorrieron durante 12 días y noches los caminos del sur-sureste de México, respondiendo a la convocatoria del Congreso Nacional Indígena para organizar la Caravana “El Sur Resiste”. Días y noches calurosos, en regiones donde las temperaturas pueden superar los 40 grados centígrados; caminos hostiles, donde miles de personas han desaparecido sin dejar rastro; horas compartidas con desconocidos, que eventualmente se convirtieron en amigos, todo en respuesta a un llamado […]

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REACT Series Powered by ActionAid

Southern Mexico: A Caravan Campaign of Joy, Solidarity and Life Affirmation in the Face of Dispossession

Last April and at the beginning of this May, a group of about 150 people spent 12 days and nights traveling the roads of south-southeast of Mexico, responding to the National Indigenous Congress’ call to organize a Caravan called “The South Resists”. Hot days and nights, in regions where temperatures can exceed 40 C degrees (104 F); hostile roads, where thousands of people have disappeared without a trace; hours shared with strangers, who eventually became friends, all in response to a call: it is time to organize ourselves to push back against environmental injustice and protect our lives and livelihoods. […]

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