Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

Activism in Exile: Challenges, Opportunities, Lived Experiences


The Road to Exile: Paths of Identity and the Search for Homeland

On the afternoon of Saturday, April 3, 2021, I received that life-altering call. My mother had passed away in Egypt. The caller offered words of solace, urging me to remain steadfast and pray for her soul, while cautioning against any thoughts of returning to Egypt, knowing all too well the regime’s penchant for imprisoning dissenters upon arrival. At that moment, the reality of my exile hit me with full force. It was exile in its truest form—I was robbed of the opportunity to lay my mother to rest. They stripped away my right to exist in my homeland, denying me the chance to bid a final farewell at her graveside. […]

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Unyielding Voices… A Journey from Darkness to Justice and Freedom

Today, I sit behind my computer screen on the balcony of my home in a city in southern France where I have now settled. I am writing about my experiences and the challenges I have faced since leaving Egypt nearly three years ago. As I write these lines and reflect on what has happened, I realize that it has not yet become a part of the past. My thoughts drift back to three years ago when I was on the balcony of my home in downtown Cairo, […]

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من عكّا إلى طهران… أمومة في وجه الظلم

“لم أكتب مقالاً واحداً منذ أن بدأت حرب الإبادة الجماعية على أهلنا في غزّة. لأشهر عدة تجنبت هذا اللقاء مع الكتابة. فعندما بدأت بممارستها في أواخر عشريناتي في عكا، كان ذلك عن قناعة مني بدور الكتابة في فعل شيء أوسع منها، حتى لو كانت كتابةً شخصيةً، وفي أن تؤثر، وتُغيّر. الكتابة عندي فعل مقاومة في وجه الظلم، ومحاولة لرفع صوت المقهورين والمقهورات”.

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“Once on the Other Side…”: Venturing into Exile, and Its Challenges and Opportunities

“This is a glimpse of a story of struggle blended with success and failure, filled with challenges, difficulties, and significant opportunities. I wanted to share these experiences with the esteemed readers of this blog to convey a message to all immigrants on how they can become great ambassadors for their countries, utilizing all spaces and opportunities to enhance themselves and advocate for human rights in their home AND destination countries. […]”

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The Shadow Activists: On Disabled Activists in Exile

I became visually impaired two years after my birth due to a genetic disorder resulting from consanguineous marriage. This compelled my family to move to Riyadh in hopes of finding a glimmer of hope for my treatment, which unfortunately did not happen. Nevertheless, my father’s work led us to settle in the Saudi capital. In 2011, multiple revolutions erupted in several Arab countries, including Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and my homeland, Syria. […]

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