Minds of the Movement

An ICNC blog on the people and power of civil resistance

Movement Commentary


Setting the Record Straight: Cultural Documentary Resistance against Putin’s War

Facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles, I find it truly courageous that the Ukrainian art world is taking bold actions to preserve their country’s immense cultural heritage, both in-country and from afar. After all, as Olga aptly puts it, “This war is a war of cultures”. Putin’s only language is violence; Ukrainians have been fluent in the language of nonviolent resistance for decades. By putting culture in a key position of the anti-occupation struggle, Ukrainians can and are nudging the conflict to where they can have a battlefield advantage.. […]

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Interviews & People

“This War is a War of Cultures”: The Art World, A Leader in Ukraine’s Nonviolent Anti-Occupation Struggle

I met Olga Sagaidak last May at the Ukrainian Cultural Center here in Paris, France. In the large drawing room where I conducted our interview, the walls were lined floor-to-ceiling with jaw-dropping photography of war destruction and street art protesting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. My stomach knotted when, leaning forward for a closer glimpse of one anti-war drawing, I realized it had in fact been sketched by the hand of a Ukrainian child. […]

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Movement Commentary

“ရှင်သန်ခြင်း နှင့် ခံနိုင်ရည်ရှိခြင်း” (မြန်မာ့ဒီမိုကရေစီရေးလှုပ်ရှားမှုတပ်ဦး)

အယ်ဒီတာ၏မှတ်ချက်။ ။ အောက်တွင်ဖော်ပြထားသောအကြောင်းအရာများသည် ၂၀၂၁ခုနှစ် ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလတွင်အာဏာသိမ်းမှုပေါ်ပေါက်ခဲ့ပြီးနောက် ဆန့်ကျင်သည့်ဆန္ဒပြပွဲများကို ရက်စက်စွာဖြိုခွင်းခဲ့ပြီးသည့်နောက် မြန်မာပြည်မှာထွက်ပြေးလွတ်မြောက်လာသော ဒီမိုကရေစီလိုလားသူ ဆန္ဒပြခေါင်းဆောင်သည် ICNCနှင့်အတူ မျှဝေထားသော ကိုယ်ရေးကိုယ်တာ ဇာတ်ကြောင်းတစ်ခုဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ထိုဆန္ဒပြခေါင်းဆောင်၏မှတ်တမ်းသည် တပ်မတော်၏ လက်၀ယ်တွင်ဖြစ်ပွားခဲ့သော ပြည်တွင်းစစ်နှင့် ရက်စက်ကြမ်းကြုတ်မှုများ ဖိနှိပ်မှုများကြောင့် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံ၏ ဆယ်စုနှစ်များစွာကြာ ပေါ်ပေါက်ခဲ့သော ဒီမိုကရေစီရရှိရေးတိုက်ပွဲများ၏တပ်ဦးမှဆင်းသက်လာခဲ့ခြင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်။ […]

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Movement Commentary

Survival and Resilience: From the Frontlines of Myanmar’s Pro-Democracy Movement

The following is a personal narrative shared with ICNC by a pro-democracy organizer who fled Myanmar following the brutal crackdown of anti-coup protests in February 2021. His account comes from the frontlines of the country’s decades-long struggle for democracy, which has been punctuated by civil war and brutal repression at the hands of the Tatmadaw. Our contact shares his personal experience with repression but also a message of resilience and solidarity that hopefully resonates with activists living under harsh dictatorships worldwide.

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Movement Commentary

The Bersih Movement and Democratization in Malaysia

“Today, the Bersih movement continues to be committed to democratization and clean elections in Malaysia. Bersih’s actions aim to induce political change not by empowering people to bring down the regime, but instead by improving the integrity of institutions so that the people can legitimately vote the government out of power. The movement has left a legacy in Malaysian politics by promoting civic awareness of the right to vote and a sense of togetherness in a nation with multiracial and multicultural roots. […]”

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Movement Commentary

Pulling Away Putin’s Pedestal: Opportunities and Challenges for Nonviolent Resistance

La Boétie knew then, as do the Russians driving civil resistance in the cities and towns of Russia today, that the tyrant is one man. By himself he cannot do anything. Understand Putin’s sources of power and peel away the pillars of support that prop him up, and the man’s rule will collapse. Already we are seeing early signs of mass civilian-based noncooperation. Last week the entire staff at independent Russian TV station Dozhd walked out live on air while declaring “no to war” after being shut down over their coverage of the Ukrainian invasion. […]

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Movement Commentary

Serbian People Bid to Nip Lithium Mining in the Bud

For the last few months, people in the western part of Serbia near the city of Loznica have been struggling to preserve their homes and livelihoods from the invasion of lithium mining investors. This region is rich in jadarite ore from which much-demanded lithium metal is extracted (used in nearly all technology). But the extraction procedure itself would not come without consequences for the environment and the local population. […]

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Ideas & Trends

What Soldiers and Police Should Do at a Protest (Series Part II)

What you do when on duty at a protest can influence others around you. By being calm and nonthreatening, you can ease tension. If you talk with protesters and laugh at their humorous stunts, you can set an example for other troops. Simply making light-hearted comments to your colleagues like, “Wait a second, I think I see my dentist in the crowd, don’t shoot” can make them think twice about engaging in potentially brutal behavior against peaceful protesters. […]

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Movement Commentary

Pigs in Parliament: Uganda’s Anti-Corruption Struggle

The Jobless Brotherhood pulled off their first action in 2014, when activists released two pigs painted yellow (the color of the ruling party) in the Ugandan Parliament while in session. The pigs were wearing tags with written descriptions of corrupt acts that ruling members of Parliament had committed. Pigs were chosen to symbolize the corrupt Ugandan elites who are “eating” public funds. In order to infiltrate Parliament, the activists had befriended the guards for six months. […]

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Movement Commentary

The Arts in Today’s Movements: Insights from Nigeria’s #EndSARS Campaign

In my previous blog post I talked about the destructive role that agents provocateurs played in Nigeria’s #EndSARS campaign, which took place last fall. But there were many examples of beauty and constructive power in this movement as well. One of those was in the form of artistic resistance that emerged from diverse communities across the country. In this post, I will share a few examples below–including photography, video, inspirational designs, illustrations, graphic design, paintings, music and dance—and also offer some analysis of the roles that they played in the campaign. […]

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