New Case Study and Free Webinar: ‘From the Hills to the Streets to the Table: Civil Resistance and Peacebuilding in Nepal’
In a newly published Case Study, three renowned scholars delve into peacebuilding and civil resistance strategies in Nepal, where constructive dialogue is impeded by power differences among ethnic, caste, class, and religious groups.
Scholars Ches Thurber, Subindra Bogati authored “From the Hills to the Streets to the Table: Civil Resistance and Peacebuilding in Nepal,” analyzing the country’s struggles vis-à-vis the concepts detailed in Veronique Dudouet’s acclaimed 2017 Special Report, “Powering to Peace.”
Thurber, Bogati and Dodouet will discuss the findings in a free webinar on Tuesday, April 27, Noon to 1 p.m. EDT.
Download this Special Report for free here.
Read more and sign up for the free webinar here.