International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, 2011
Translation: July 201714 pages
Steve York (Dir. and Prod.) and Jack DuVall (Exec Prod)
A Force More Powerful Films, 2000Translation: A Force More Powerful Films, September 2000
154 minutes
From the book: Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns
Howard Clark, Javier Gárate, Joanne Sheehan, and Dorie Wilsnack
Translation: July 2017
4 pages
translation of key civil resistance terms into Pashto
Published by ICNC
Gene Sharp
The Albert Einstein Institution, 1994Translation: Albert Einstein Institution, 1994
90 pages
ماريه سټيفن (Maria Stephan)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009Translation: October, 2017
254 pages