Presented by: Mary Joyce, Researcher & Consultant in Global Digital Activism, Editor of “Digital Activism Decoded”
Thursday, November 29, 2012, 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST
This webinar is transcribed into Chinese
Gene Sharp created his list of 198 nonviolent methods in 1973. In the years since, media has become dramatically more accessible to activists. Media produced by activists can now have mass reach at low cost thanks to the ease of creating user-generated content and the multiple platforms that allow for near-free self-broadcast to a mass audience in a variety of textual and visual formats. How can the canon of nonviolent methods intelligently integrate these new capacities?
This presentation will review the initial findings of Digital 198, a crowdsourced project by Patrick Meier and Mary Joyce, that is collecting digital enhancements to the 198 analog nonviolent methods as well as new methods made possible by the peer-produced, self-broadcasted, highly attention-competitive, and near-free nature of digital me
Additional Resources
- Civil Resistance 2.0 project description
- Civil Resistance 2.0 database
- Civil Resistance 2.0 presentation slides
- Meta-Activism Blog, by Mary Joyce
- Joyce, Mary. Digital Activism Decoded: The New Mechanics of Change. New York: International Debate Education Association, 2010. Click here to download
- Original “198 Methods of Nonviolent Action” by Gene Sharp
- Website of the Digital Activism Research Project