ICNC Glossary of Key Terms - Hungarian
The first step in creating high-quality translations in the field of civil resistance is translating key terms.
Initially, we developed a list of 91 key terms that had specific meaning in the field of civil resistance and worked with translators to translate these terms. We have subsequently expanded this list to 159 terms, and ICNC President Hardy Merriman and ICNC Senior Advisor Nicola Barrach have produced a glossary (to be published in 2019) that defines each of these terms and provides commentary on each and examples of usage.
You can see standardized translations of key terms in Hungarian below.
English | Hungarian | Comments | |
1 | Accommodation (as a result of civil resistance) | ||
2 | Accommodate (as a result of civil resistance) | ||
3 | Accountability | Számonkérhetőség | |
4 | Activist | Aktivista | |
5 | Adversary | ||
6 | Agency (human agency) | Cselekvőképesség | |
7 | Agent provocateur | ||
8 | Ally (verb) | ||
9 | Ally (noun) | ||
10 | Alternative institutions | Alternatív intézmények | |
11 | Authoritarian rule | Tekintélyelvű uralom | |
12 | Authority | Tekintély | |
13 | Backlash | Ellenhatás | |
14 | Backfire (verb) | [elnyomás] visszafelé sül el, visszaüt;to make repression ~: [elnyomás] visszájára fordítása” | |
15 | Backfire (noun) | ||
16 | Banners | Transzparensek, molinók, táblák | |
17 | Blockade (associated with civil resistance) (noun) | Blokád | |
18 | Blockade (associated with civil resistance)(verb) | ||
19 | Boycott (noun) | Bojkott | |
20 | Boycott (verb) | ||
21 | Campaign (associated with civil resistance) (noun) | Kampányok | |
22 | Campaign (verb) | ||
23 | Capacity | Képesség, teljesítmény | |
24 | Civil disobedience | Polgári engedetlenség | |
25 | Civil resistance | Állampolgári ellenállás | |
26 | Civil society | Civil társasdalom | |
27 | Civilian-based defense | ||
28 | Coalition | ||
29 | Commission, tactic(s) or act(s) of | ||
30 | Concentration, tactic(s) of | ||
31 | Conditions | ||
32 | Consent (political) (noun) | Beleegyezés, jóváhagyás | |
33 | Consent (political) (verb) | ||
34 | Conflict (noun) | Konfliktus | |
35 | Constructive programme (or “constructive program”) | ||
36 | Conversion | ||
37 | Coup d’etat (or “coup”) | Államcsíny, puccs | |
38 | Crackdown (noun) | Elnyomó intézkedés | |
39 | Crackdown (verb) | ||
40 | Defect (associated with civil resistance) (verb) | ||
41 | Defection | Átpártolás, átállás | |
42 | Demonstration | ||
43 | Dictatorship | Diktatúra | |
44 | Dilemma action | ||
45 | Direct action | ||
46 | Disintegration (associated with civil resistance) | ||
47 | Dispersion, tactics of | ||
48 | Disrupt | ||
49 | Dissent (noun) | ||
50 | Dissident | Másként gondolkodó, ellenzéki, disszidens | |
51 | Disruption | Felfordulás | |
52 | Dynamics (of civil resistance) | Dinamika | |
53 | Empower | ||
54 | Empowerment | ||
55 | Escalate (in conflict) (verb) | ||
56 | Escalation (in conflict) (noun) | ||
57 | External actor | ||
58 | External support | Külső támogatás | |
59 | Failure (associated with civil resistance) | ||
60 | Frame (communication) (verb) | ||
61 | Frame (communication) (noun) | ||
62 | Freedom (political) | Szabadság | |
63 | Freedom of Assembly | ||
64 | Freedom of Association | ||
65 | Freedom of Speech (or freedom of expression) | Szólásszabadság | |
66 | Goal | ||
67 | Grassroots (adjective) | Alulról szerveződő | |
68 | Grassroots (noun) | ||
69 | Grand strategy | Átfogó stratégia | |
70 | Grievances | Sérelmek | |
71 | Human rights defender (HRD) | ||
72 | Leadership | ||
73 | Legitimacy | Legitimitás | |
74 | Loyalty shift | ||
75 | Mass demonstration | Tömegtüntetés | |
76 | Mechanisms of change | ||
77 | Methods of nonviolent action | Erőszakmentes cselekvés módszerei | |
78 | Marches | Felvonulások | |
79 | Mobilization | ||
80 | Mobilizing | Mozgosítás | |
81 | Movement | Mozgalom | |
82 | Non-state actor | ||
83 | Nonviolent (or non-violent) | Erőszakmentes | |
84 | Noncooperation | Együtt-nem-működés | |
85 | Nonviolent action | Erőszakmentes cselekvés | |
86 | Nonviolent coercion | Erőszakmentes kényszer | |
87 | Nonviolent conflict | Erőszakmentes konfliktus | |
88 | Nonviolent direct action | ||
89 | Nonviolent discipline | Erőszakmentes fegyelmezettség | |
90 | Nonviolence (religious, ethical, etc.) | Erőszakmentesség | |
91 | Nonviolent intervention | Erőszakmentes beavatkozás | |
92 | Nonviolent struggle | Erőszakmentes küzdelem | |
93 | Obedience | Engedelmesség | |
94 | Obey | ||
95 | Objective (noun) | ||
96 | Omission, act(s) or tactic(s) of | ||
97 | Opponents | Ellenfelek | |
98 | Opposition groups | Ellenzéki csoportok | |
99 | Organizer | Szervező | |
100 | Parallel institution | Párhuzamos intézmény | |
101 | People of support | ||
102 | Pillars of support | A támogatás pillérei | |
103 | Plan (noun) | ||
104 | Plan (verb) | ||
105 | Political defiance | Politikai ellenszegülés | |
106 | Political ju-jitsu | Politikai dzsiu-dzsicu | |
107 | Political noncooperation | Politikai együtt-nem-működés | |
108 | Political power | Politikai hatalom | |
109 | People power | Néphatalom | |
110 | Power | ||
111 | Power holder | ||
112 | Planning | Tervezés | |
113 | Pragmatic non violence | Pragmatikus | |
114 | Protest (Noun) | Tüntetés | |
115 | Protest (verb) | ||
116 | Resistance movement | Ellenállási mozgalom | |
117 | Resistance movement | ||
118 | Repress | ||
119 | Repression | Elnyomás | |
120 | Resilience | Ellenállóképesség | |
121 | Revolution (social, political, or economic) | ||
122 | Sanctions | Szankciók, megtorlás, megtorló intézkedések | |
123 | Self-organization | Önszerveződés | |
124 | Self-organize | ||
125 | Self-organization | ||
126 | Self-reliance | Önállóság | |
127 | Skills (in civil resistance context) | Készségek | |
128 | Sources of power | A hatalom forrásai | |
129 | Strategic nonviolent struggle | Stratégikus erőszakmentes küzdelem | |
130 | Semi-authoritarian rule | ||
131 | Self-rule | Önkormányzat, önkormányzás | |
132 | Sit-in | Ülősztrájk | |
133 | Student Strikes | Diák sztrájkok | |
134 | Strategic plan | Stratégiai terv | |
135 | Strategize | ||
136 | Strategy | Stratégia | |
137 | Strike (noun) | Sztrájk | |
138 | Strike (associated with civil resistance) (verb) | ||
139 | Structural conditions (see also conditions) | Strukturális adottságok | |
140 | Success | Siker | |
141 | Tactic | Taktika | |
142 | Tactical innovation | ||
143 | Tactics of commission | A cselekvés taktikái | |
144 | Tactics of concentration (see also Concenration, tactics of) | A koncentrálódás taktikái | |
145 | Tactics of dispersion (see also Dispersion, tactics of) | A szétszóródás taktikái | |
146 | Tactics of omission | A nemcselekvés taktikái | |
147 | Tactical sequencing | Taktikai időzítés | |
148 | Third party (or “third-party”) | ||
149 | Train | ||
150 | Training | Képzés | |
151 | Unarmed Insurrection | Fegyvertelen lázadás | |
152 | Unite | ||
153 | Unity | Egység | |
154 | Uprising | Felkelés | |
155 | Violence | ||
156 | Violent Flank | Erőszakos szárny | |
157 | Vision (of a civil resistance movement) | Vízió | |
158 | Walk-out (or “walkout”) (noun) | Kivonulás | |
159 | Walk-out (verb) |