ICNC Glossary of Key Terms - Creole
The first step in creating high-quality translations in the field of civil resistance is translating key terms.
Initially, we developed a list of 91 key terms that had a specific meaning in the field of civil resistance and worked with translators to translate these terms. We have subsequently expanded this list to 159 terms, and ICNC President Hardy Merriman and ICNC Senior Advisor Nicola Barrach have produced a glossary (to be published in 2019) that defines each of these terms and provides commentary on each and examples of usage.
You can see standardized translations of key terms in Creole below.
> | English | Creole | Comments |
1 | Accommodation (as a result of civil resistance) | Antant | |
2 | Accommodate (as a result of civil resistance) | Antann | |
3 | Accountability | Obligasyon pou rann kont | |
4 | Activist | Aktivis | |
5 | Adversary | Advèsè | |
6 | Agency (human agency) | Ajans | |
7 | Agent provocateur | Ajan provokasyon | |
8 | Ally (verb) | Asosye avèk | |
9 | Ally (noun) | Asosye, patnè | |
10 | Alternative institutions | Enstitisyon altènatif | |
11 | Authoritarian rule | Rejim otoritè | |
12 | Authority | Otorite | |
13 | Backfire (verb) | Vire kont | |
14 | Backfire (noun) | Chòk an retou | |
15 | Backlash | Soukous | |
16 | Backsliding, democratic | Degrenngole, demokratik | |
17 | Blockade (associated with civil resistance) (noun) | Bloke | |
18 | Blockade (associated with civil resistance) (verb) | Blokis | |
19 | Boycott (noun) | Bòykote | |
20 | Boycott (verb) | Bòykòt | |
21 | Campaign (associated with civil resistance) (noun) | Fè kanpay | |
22 | Campaign (verb) | Kanpay | |
23 | Capacity | Kapasite | |
24 | Civil disobedience | Dezobeyisans sivil | |
25 | Civil resistance | Rezistans sivil | |
26 | Civil society | Sosyete sivil | |
27 | Civilian-based defense | Defans ke moun ki pa chèf asire | |
28 | Coalition | Kowalisyon | |
29 | Commission, tactic(s) or act(s) of | Koutay | |
30 | Concentration, tactic(s) of | Rasanbleman | |
31 | Conditions | Kondisyon | |
32 | Conflict (noun) | Konfli | |
33 | Consent (political) (verb) | Konsanti pou | |
34 | Consent (political) (noun) | Konsantman | |
35 | Constructive programme (or “constructive program”) | Pwogram konstriktif | |
36 | Conversion | Konvèsyon | |
37 | Coup d’etat (or “coup”) | Koudeta | |
38 | Crackdown (noun) | reprime | |
39 | Crackdown (verb) | rèpresyon | |
40 | Defect (associated with civil resistance) (verb) | Fè defeksyon | |
41 | Defection | Defeksyon | |
42 | Democratic backsliding (see “Backsliding, democratic”) | Demokratik kap degrenngole | |
43 | Demonstration | Manifestasyon | |
44 | Dictatorship | Diktati | |
45 | Dilemma action | Ki kreye pwoblèm grav | |
46 | Direct action | Aksyon dirèk | |
47 | Disintegration (associated with civil resistance) | Dezentegrasyon | |
48 | Dispersion, tactics of | Gaye (yon mouvman) | |
49 | Disrupt | Destabilize | |
50 | Dissent (noun) | Destabilizasyon | |
51 | Dissident | Opozan | |
52 | Disruption | Disidan | |
53 | Dynamics (of civil resistance) | Dinamik | |
54 | Empower | Ranfòse | |
55 | Empowerment | Ranfòsman | |
56 | Escalate (in conflict) (verb) | Agrave, anpire | |
57 | Escalation (in conflict) (noun) | Agravasyon | |
58 | External actor | Aktè ekstèn senpatizan | |
59 | External support | Èd, soutyen andeyò gwoup la | |
60 | Failure (associated with civil resistance) | Echèk | |
61 | Flank, violent | Kote, Vyolan ou Deblozay | |
62 | Frame (communication) (verb) | Akonpaye | |
63 | Frame (communication) (noun) | Akonpayman | |
64 | Freedom (political) | Libète politik | |
65 | Freedom of Assembly | Libète, dwa pou fè rasanbleman | |
66 | Freedom of Association | Libète, dwa pou f è asosyasyon | |
67 | Freedom of Speech (or freedom of expression) | Libète la pawòl | |
68 | Goal | Objektif, Bi | |
69 | Grand strategy | Estratejy global | |
70 | Grassroots (adjective) | Popilè, debaz | |
71 | Grassroots (noun) | Patisipasyon baz la | |
72 | Grievances | Revandikasyon | |
73 | Human rights defender (HRD) | Defansè dwa moun | |
74 | Leadership | Kapasite pou Mennen, pou pran desizyon | |
75 | Legitimacy | Lejitimite | |
76 | Loyalty shift | Koutba | |
77 | March | Mach | |
78 | Mass demonstration | Mouvman popilè | |
79 | Mechanisms of change | Taktik pou chanjman | |
80 | Methods of nonviolent action | Metòd pou aksyon san vyolans | |
81 | Mobilization | Mobilizasyon | |
82 | Mobilize | mobilize | |
83 | Movement | mouvman | |
84 | Noncooperation | Ki pa kopere/Refize pataje | |
85 | Nongovernmental organization (or “NGO”) | Òganizasyon non gouvènmantal/ Òganizasyon ki pa leta | |
86 | Non-state actor (or “non-state actor”) | Aktè non etatik/ Akte ki pa leta | |
87 | Nonviolence | San vyolans | |
88 | Nonviolence, pragmatic | San vyolans, pratik | |
89 | Nonviolence, principled | san vyolans, prensip | |
90 | Nonviolent (or “non-violent”) | San vyolans | |
91 | Nonviolent action | Zak san vyolans | |
92 | Nonviolent coercion | Konvenk San itilize lafòs | |
93 | Nonviolent conflict | Batay san vyolans | |
94 | Nonviolent direct action | Aksyon dirèk san vyolans | |
95 | Nonviolent discipline | Disiplin aplike san vyolans | |
96 | Nonviolent intervention | Entèvansyon san vyolans | |
97 | Nonviolent struggle | Lit san vyolans | |
98 | Obedience | Obeyisans | |
99 | Obey | Obeyi | |
100 | Objective (noun) | Objektif, bi | |
101 | Omission, act of or tactic of | Ratman | |
102 | Opponent | Opozan | |
103 | Opposition group | Gwoup opozisyon yo | |
104 | Organizer | Òganizatè | |
105 | Parallel institution | Enstitisyon paralèl | |
106 | People power | Pouvwa pèp | |
107 | Pillars of support | Mou ki poto mitan yon kòz | |
108 | Plan (noun) | Plan | |
109 | Plan (verb) | Planifye | |
110 | Political defiance | Defi politik | |
111 | Political jiu-jitsu | Kou terib | |
112 | Political noncooperation | Refize pataje lide politik | |
113 | Political power | pouvwa politik | |
114 | Political space | Espas politik | |
115 | Power | Pouvwa | |
116 | Powerholder | Moun ki gen pouvwa | |
117 | Pragmatic nonviolence (see “Nonviolence, pragmatic”) | San vyolans pa fòs | |
118 | Principled nonviolence (see “Nonviolence, principled”) | Prensip San vyolans | |
119 | Protest (noun) | Manifestasyon | |
120 | Protest (verb) | Pwoteste | |
121 | Rally (noun) | Rasanbleman | |
122 | Repress | Reprime | |
123 | Repression | Represyon | |
124 | Resilience | Rezistans | |
125 | Revolution (social, political, or economic) | Revolisyon | |
126 | Sanctions | Pinisyon | |
127 | Self-determination | Detèminasyon volontè | |
128 | Self-organize (verb) | Òganize tèt ou | |
129 | Self-organization | Jere tèt ou | |
130 | Self-reliance | Otonomi | |
131 | Self-rule | Prensip pèsonèl | |
132 | Semi-authoritarian rule | Rejim ki pa toutafè otoritè | |
133 | Sit-in | Sitin | |
134 | Skill(s) (in civil resistance context) | Konpetans | |
135 | Sources of power | Baz pouvwa | |
136 | Strategic nonviolent struggle | Estrateji pou batay san vyolans | |
137 | Strategic plan | Plan estratejik | |
138 | Strategize | Defini yon estrateji | |
139 | Strategy | Estrateji | |
140 | Strike (noun) | Grèv | |
141 | Strike (associated with civil resistance) (verb) | Fè grèv | |
142 | Structural conditions (see “Conditions”) | Kondisyon bazik | |
143 | Success (associated with civil resistance) | Siksè, viktwa | |
144 | Tactic | Taktik | |
145 | Tactical innovation | Nouvo Taktik | |
146 | Tactics sequencing (or “sequencing of tactics”) | Fason pou aplike taktik yo | |
147 | Tactics of concentration (see “Concentration, tactics of”) | Taktik regwoupman | |
148 | Tactics of dispersion (see “Dispersion, tactics of”) | Taktik pou dispèse | |
149 | Third party (or “third-party”) | Twazyèm kolòn | |
150 | Train (verb) | Fòme | |
151 | Training | Fòmasyon | |
152 | Unarmed insurrection | Soulèvman san zam | |
153 | Unite | Ini, mete tèt ansanm | |
154 | Unity | Inite, tèt ansanm | |
155 | Uprising | Soulèvman | |
156 | Violence | Vyolans | |
157 | Violent flank | Branch ame | |
158 | Vision (of a civil resistance movement) | Sa w pwojte pou tout moun | |
159 | Walk-out (or “walkout”) (noun) | Vire do w | |
160 | Walk out (verb) | Bay vag |