By: Mahmoud Soliman
Publication date: August 2022
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Monograph Abstract:
This monograph analyzes how Palestinian grassroots activists, popular resistance committees (PRCs), and popular resistance networks (PRNs) secured, managed, and used material and non-material resources to wage sustained and successful nonviolent campaigns in Area C of the occupied West Bank.
A comprehensive analytical framework is developed to capture a variety of resources and to better understand the role that different types of resources have in the launching, conducting, and outcomes of a campaign. This framework is then used to analyze three nonviolent campaigns led by Palestinian communities living under occupation, highlighting how the Palestinian activists managed to secure, administer, and deploy a diverse range of material and non-material resources to support their campaigns.
This study offers specific recommendations and lessons learned from the investigated cases for various actors—including activists, allies that want to support grassroots campaigns, and researchers interested in furthering the study of the role and impact of resources in nonviolent organizing and their successful acquisition by local organizers.
About the Author:
Mahmoud Soliman is a Palestinian nonviolent activist and academic. He has more than 15 years of experience in organizing nonviolent campaigns and nonviolent collective actions against building the Segregation Wall and the Israeli illegal settlements in occupied Palestine. He is one of the founders of Palestinian nonviolent grassroots networks and the co-founder of the popular nonviolent resistance committees in occupied Palestine. He completed his PhD in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies with a focus on mobilization of Palestinian society towards nonviolent resistance in the period from 2004 to 2014.