A New Era of Nonviolence: The Power of Civil Society Over War
This book is an exploration of nonviolent strategies and tactics that have been used to prevent and end civil wars, invasions, and occupations. The problem of war is examined in light of efforts to transform destructive conflict into constructive conflict. Research into alternatives has produced a corpus of knowledge that enables civil society increasingly to expect success when it engages decision-makers in peaceful conflict resolution.The book asks the reader to consider the questions of social conflict using a cost-benefit analysis–which can reveal the advisability of strategic nonviolence. Research into the causes and correlates of war is robust, and when that research is applied to comparisons of conflict management methods, numerous conclusions about potential strategies for ending war emerge.
McFarland & Company, Inc, 2014
softcover ISBN: 978-0-7864-9431-6
ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-1561-5