Sono senryakuron-teki apuroch
Exploring Nonviolent Alternatives is a source book of basic information on the concept and technique of nonviolent action and civilian defense without armaments. Beginning with a brief survey of the inadequacy of other means of dealing with conflict, the book examines the technique of nonviolent action: its methods, mechanisms, and development. It then explores the possibilities of developing a national defense policy based on this nonviolent technique. Fifty-one broad research areas on the basic nature of nonviolent action, its domestic application, and the problems and potentialities of civilian defense are outlined. An annotated listing of cases of nonviolent action in history is presented for aid in further study. A course program in civilian defense, including eight university course outlines in an integrated series, is included. Finally, a classified bibliography indicates over 200 titles for further reading.
Porter Sargent Publishers, 1970
Translation: Orion Press, Komatsu Shigeo (translator), 1972