Hijoro Aho Hitaky Ny Rariny!
Booklet on civil resistance, presenting key themes in the Malagasy language. Among a variety of topics, the booklet includes a translated list of nonviolent actions catalogued by Gene Sharp.
Developed by ICNC LIN Fellow Ketakandrian Rafitoson, Wake Up Madagascar, Liberty 32, WYLD – Women and Youth in Action for Democracy, and LIANA – Learning Initiative Aiming at Nonviolent Actions.
Resources produced by other LIN fellows include:
Nonviolence Training Manual – A Guide to Train Peace Officers (Spanish)
Handbook for Building a New Uganda
The Course of Nonviolent Struggles (French)
Communication Strategies for Nonviolent Organizing in Kenya for Tax Justice
Peaceful Resistance and Nonviolent Actions for Social Change
Manual of Organized Civil Resistance (Spanish)
Published May 2017