کوتاه آنچه در اوکراین گذشت
The New York Times, February 6, 2014
ترجمه: Mehri Haghani, March 2014
Ukraine Chief Loses Support in Stronghold (Farsi)
Andrew Higgins
The New York Times, February 6, 2014
ترجمه: Mehri Haghani, March 2014
Not long after evidence of police abuse was exposed by citizen journalists there last month, cyber activists in the city of Ghardaïa have once again …
Brief synopsis of the US anti-Vietnam War movement, from the mid-1960s to early 1970s. …
An audio-visual introduction to civil resistance. Civil resistance is a way for ordinary people to fight for their rights, freedom and justice without…
From the article: Dramatic words or violent acts were not how the Ukrainian people ousted an authoritarian leader and his cronies. Civil resistance sh…