ICNC is proud to announce the hiring of Ivan Marovic as Director of Field Education and Applied Research.
For over two decades, Marovic has been one of the leading trainers on movement organizing and civil resistance in the world. His experience spans dozens of countries.
ICNC Founding Chair Peter Ackerman stated:
“After more than fifteen years of successful collaboration with Ivan Marovic on workshops, publications, and a variety of other ICNC-supported projects, I am thrilled for him to join ICNC at this critical juncture. His field experience is a great asset to ICNC and will be put to good use.”
Marovic will lead ICNC’s efforts to educate pro-democracy dissidents worldwide and conduct research into best practices for teaching, training, and facilitating education and knowledge sharing. In particular, he will pilot a new training methodology and workshop exercise based on the recently published book The Checklist to End Tyranny.
Senior Advisor Hardy Merriman commented:
“Ivan brings great range and depth to his work, integrating his experience as an activist, educator, program developer, and trainer. I have seen his contributions and achievements make an impact on people worldwide, and he continues to innovate and push the field in promising directions. I look forward to working with him in his new role.”
Ivan Marovic said:
“I have been collaborating with ICNC for many years and have witnessed how the center has, as a knowledge resource, impacted the struggles for freedom and rights around the world. This is why it makes me proud and happy to be joining the team, especially at this moment when the fate of global democracy is being decided, hoping that the activist and organizers on the ground, equipped with nonviolent strategies of civil resistance, will set the direction the world will take.”